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Site Locating Services

What is the most important part of any vending machine business? Location, location, location. Yes, for a vending machine business to be successful you must firstly have secure site locations that will suit your vending machine type, size and capacity.

We have been providing site locating services for vending machine owner operators since early 2004 throughout many areas of New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory.

Our team of experienced site locating professionals can locate all different types of vending machines including soft drink, snack food, combination, coffee and candy.

Your vending machines can be placed in suitable workplaces such as factories, workshops, offices, warehouses, transport depots, building sites, retail outlets, colleges, schools etc in your local area or an area of your choice.

A written and authorised site location agreement stating business details, number of staff, contact names, hours of operation, etc will be supplied for each and every vending machine to be installed.

To enquire about our site locating services for vending machine owner operators.

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