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Vending Business For Sale

Work less than one day each week and earn $300

Well established Bulk Candy Vending business for sale. Machines all located in the Western & Eastern suburbs of Brisbane

Business mainly comprises of U-turns (95%) and a small number of Vendmax bulk candy machines. Currently there are approx. 115 machines on location.

Machines are restocked and cleaned each 4-6 weeks. The U-Turns are stocked with a mixture of Mints, Gumballs, M & M Chocolates, M & M Peanuts, Jelly Beans, Skittles, Jawbreakers, Jaffa’s, Hard Pressed Candy, Bouncy Balls and one inch capsuled toys.

U-turns are largly fitted with 3 x $1.00 and 1 x 20c coin mechanisms. Many machines are also fitted with Gumball wheels which are at extra cost but will be included if sold for asking price.

Great way to get into this lucrative all cash business. Rarely do you see a bulk business of this size for sale.

Asking $51,750 WIWO. This is a fraction of the new price.

BONUS: Free – 10 unsited U-turns ready to site.

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